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Location: My Ranch (Clinics Only)

I'll be hosting two stillwater clinics in 2024 at my ranch in Fort Klamath, Oregon. The first one is scheduled for June 15 and is a clinic only as I'm not planning on fishing with clients after the clinic. There are lots of lakes for you to fish but the only one that meets trophy status is Upper Klamath Lake about a half hours drive from my house. If you want to fish after the clinic, be sure to bring the necessary tackle and gear. The clinic will run about 3 hours and we will be covering everything you need to know about the mysteries of stillwater and what you need to know when fishing stillwaters.

The other clinic is the same format but we will be fishing Diamond Lake after the clinic and is set for October 19th. Diamond Lake is usually red hot at this time of year which is why I choose that date. We drive through Crater Lake National Park to get there and it's about an hour's drive. Expect to catch a lot of trout will rainbows, browns and tiger making up the menu. Most flies will work, but I'll have the correct patterns for you that have been consistent over the years. Most of the fish will run 15-20 inches but bigger are there if you can land them. The bigger fish will average about 3-5 pounds. You will need a boat and I'll cover the tackle requirements when we talk when you make your reservations to join me.

Note: Float tubes or pontoon boats are necessary.

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